One Step is fortunate to work with dozens of fire departments across North America. We learn from these loyal departments what they need to be productive which in turn drives our development. Thank you to all for your support and guidance throughout the many years we have worked with you.
The One Step Web layout offers a new design that is not only easy to use, but also a significant cost effective savings to the district. The iPads will make the inspection process much more efficient as the signed inspection report can be emailed to the business owner on the spot. This will eliminate the need to go back to the truck to print the inspection report. The system also makes the report available to the other One Step Web users within minutes. In addition, the One Step Web program has an awesome new mapping feature, which was not available in the old system. We are looking forward to using One Step Web as part of our inspection process. Inspecting buildings to ensure their safety is just one way we work to protect

TFS has been using One Step for many years and has migrated to One Step Web. The following video demonstrates one example of how a department has deployed One Step. Please see for yourself how a modern department manages with thousands of inspections each year: